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  1. Mid-2022 was the date/estimate stated as part of the budget announcements last week. So media are just repeating that same thing, as that's the only source of information on the subject, at the moment. I prefer my 'damp finger in the air' approach to figure out what will happen with travel... Very frustrating but nothing else much can be done
  2. You must have lived in Australia for the past four years on a valid visa and have been a Perm Resident for the last 12 months. ie, to apply now, you need to have been a Permanent Resident (100 visa) for the past 12 months, and lived in Aus on any visa (ie, 309 visa) for three years prior to that. there are also rules about how long you've spent outside of the country in the past four years as well as the last 12 months. You won't get prompted to apply, you just need to start your application and prepare supporting documents, when your four years are getting close. More details on Gov website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/become-a-citizen/permanent-resident#Eligibility
  3. I heard this from my father in law (who has a pacemaker but a gas hob!). I think he said it was related to the magnetic field with induction hobs + the special pans.
  4. I remember another thread like this - the visa and exemption were a bit 'chicken and egg'. I believe the advice was apply for the exemption, and once that's done, immediately apply for the visa using the reference generated by the exemption application. That way the two are linked via the via application ID/exemption ID.
  5. vickyplum


    In answer to your question, it's related to whichever country you are ordinarily resident in - https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/leaving-australia#toc-6. You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you’ve spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 12 to 24 months. You do not need to carry a paper record of your movements with you. If required, Australian Border Force officers at airports can check your movement records in their systems. If you do not think you need a travel exemption, you can present this evidence when you check-in at the airport. However, if you have any doubt about whether your circumstances fall within the definition of ordinarily resident, we recommend you lodge a request for assessment at least two weeks prior to your intended departure. Which means if a person got stuck here whilst on holiday, no issue, but if they live here (regardless of other citizenships), you are subject to having to 'apply to leave' - refer to the rest of the link above for the painful amount of detail required! I assume (for example) if someone with dual UK/Aus citizenship or a PR, has lived here for 10 years, the UK aren't going to step in to help you get home, because hey, you lived here happily until COVID kicked off and swore the oath to Australia etc (being facetious here but you get the idea). There was also a big discussion (or maybe two...) involving a poster called LoopyLou (I think that's the right user name) that was discussing the legal/international human rights aspects of the closed Aus border. You might want to look it up... or not
  6. It's perfectly do-able - just don't try to complete it in a rush, and be prepared for a lot of admin (ie, getting documents/forms notorised. obtaining statements from friends/relatives etc).
  7. I think you are talking about your passport sized photo for the citizenship application - and the comment from @welljock was in relation to your UK passport renewal...
  8. I logged into my Halifax account the other day and used the "Verify yourself with a phone call" thing for the first time. I notice there was also an option called "can't do this" which seemed to direct me to a way of changing the contact number used? Presumably you've tried this already but wanted to mention it just incase. This was online/desktop not via the app.
  9. I've got a PAYG SIM with EE for UK use - haven't topped it up for ages now, but need to keep it 'active' - so I make or receive a call every couple of months. I don't need it anymore, but cling onto it anyway for whatever reason! I use Amaysim in Australia (again, SIM only) and get something ridiculous like 50GB a month data, with Aus and international calls/SMS included (when I first started on the plan, the included data was much less and I only chose the plan because UK calls were included). I think it's $30 every 28 days - and uses the Optus network.
  10. If you applied using the copy birth cert from the UK, that's the one you need take. I did the same and it was fine. For bank notice, there's a function in my online banking called 'proof of account' or something like that, and it produces a letter confirming name, address and bank account details. Assume a statement would be OK as well. I was only asked for my NSW licence and passport, but I'd taken everything with me, as that's what the invite letter said to do, and I am very compliant like that
  11. Hi, I applied for Citizenship using the GRO Birth Certificate copy, as I only had the original of the 'short' version of my Birth Cert. The original 'full' Birth Cert was lost a long time ago when I was a child! Anyway, I took both the 'short' and GRO copy Birth Cert to my citizenship interview/test but wasn't asked to show them. And I'm a citizen now, so clearly the GRO Birth Cert copy version is fine! Just take all the documents that you used when you applied (ie, follow the instructions in the invite letter). I was only asked to show my passport and my NSW driver licence as ID.
  12. When I did my test late 2020, I just googled Australia Citizenship practice test and went through all the questions I could find. Some of them are a bit dodgy though - ie, they ask questions that don't originate from the booklet. You will only be asked questions that have answers in the booklet. So make sure you fully understand the content of all the sections (for example, I struggled with the Goverment type stuff so studied extra hard on that part!). The questions on the day are random - could be anything from the layout of the Australian flag, to upper/lower house, to dates of first fleet etc etc, who is head of state, how voting/democratic works... and so on.
  13. If I'm looking at the correct form online (this one: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/967404/declaration-form-for-international-travel.pdf) the last box is: Other permitted reasons – please specify: Tick that one and tell them you are moving to Australia.
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